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Mood Boosting Colours

What are Mood Boosting Colours?

Mood boosting colour psychology is all about creating an atmosphere that not only looks good but also feel great!

Colour plays a huge role in mood and emotion. We often associate certain colours with specific moods or feelings without even thinking about it. This is known as mood boosting colour psychology and it has been studied for centuries to understand how different hues can affect our moods, emotions and behaviour. Let’s explore…


Mood-Boosting Colour Psychology

Colour plays a huge role in mood and emotion. We often associate certain colours with specific moods or feelings without even thinking about it. This is known as mood boosting colour psychology.

Studies have found that mood boosting colour psychology can influence our moods in positive and negative ways. For example, cool tones such as blues and greens are often associated with calmness, while warmer shades such as red and orange are linked to excitement or energy. Similarly, darker hues like black and grey are often associated with sadness or gloominess while lighter shades like white evoke feelings of joy and happiness.


The Impact Of Mood Boosting Colours

It is thought that certain shades of colour have the power to lift moods, energise us, relax us or even help us focus on tasks. The impact of mood boosting colour psychology can be seen in everyday life. We may find ourselves drawn to certain colours based on how they make us feel or respond differently when we encounter different hues depending on their emotional associations for us. In this way, mood boosting colour psychology can be used as a tool for self-care – taking the time to thoughtfully choose colours that bring us joy and happiness, providing an uplifting mood boost.

By understanding mood boosting colour psychology, we can harness its power to help shape our environment in ways that promote positive moods and foster mental health. If you want to give your mood a boost with some mindful colour choice, start by paying attention to how different hues make you feel and use those feelings as a guide when incorporating mood boosting colours into your home décor.

For example, yellow is a bright and cheery hue that can be used to create an uplifting environment. It is also associated with creativity and clarity of thought, making it an excellent choice for a home office or workspace. On the flip side, warm tones like red can evoke feelings of passion and energy – perfect for adding some oomph to a living room or bedroom. Blue is a calming hue that can be helpful when dealing with stress while red can energise us before an important task.

Mood boosting colour psychology has been used in many different ways, from painting therapy to decorating a room to make it feel more comfortable and inviting. So if you're feeling down or need an extra boost of energy, take a look around and see if mood-boosting colours can help put you in the right frame of mind. You may be surprised by how much they can influence your moods.

Another way to use mood boosting colour psychology is through clothing – using mood boosting colour psychology can be a great way to make sure you’re looking your best while feeling your best as well! Wearing certain hues can have an effect on your mood and emotion. Warmer colours have been known to increase optimism while cooler shades such as blue and green can help us stay calm and relaxed during times of stress.


Mood-Boosting Colours In Interior Design

Colour psychology is also useful in interior design, allowing us to create a space that promotes relaxation and reflection or energy and excitement.

Adding colour to your interior design can make a huge difference to your mood. Different colours have different effects on our emotions, allowing us to create an environment that is tailored to how we want to feel. Whether you’re looking for subtle hues or bright and vibrant tones, understanding the power of mood boosting colours in interior design can help you achieve the atmosphere you’re going for.

Warm colours such as reds, oranges and yellows tend to evoke feelings of energy and excitement, making them great choices for areas where you want to be inspired or entertained. On the other hand, cool blues and greens give off a sense of calmness and relaxation, so they’re ideal if you need some peace and quiet.

Light colours are also great for creating a feeling of airiness, while darker shades can add depth to your space. Similarly, neutral tones like beige and grey can give off an inviting vibe that’s great for any room in the house.

When picking out mood boosting colours for interior design, it’s important to take into account how much natural light is present in the area. Bright and vibrant tones can look fantastic during sunny days but become overwhelming if you don’t have enough windows to let in some extra light. On the other hand, softer hues can feel too muted or dull on duller days.


Creating A Mood

It is also helpful to think about what kind of mood you want to create in your space. Warmer and brighter colours like red, orange, and yellow can give off energising vibes that are great for stimulating creativity or for when you need an extra boost of motivation. Meanwhile, cooler shades like blue, green, and purple can be calming and reflective - making it a great choice for relaxing areas such as bedrooms or reading nooks.

Of course, mood boosting colour psychology isn’t just about using certain hues to achieve particular moods; it’s also important to consider how different shades interact with one another. To create a balanced atmosphere, you want to make sure the colours you choose work together harmoniously. For example, a combination of warm and cool tones can create an inviting yet energising mood – great for social spaces or places where you want to feel relaxed but still productive.

Whatever colour scheme you choose, it’s important to remember that mood boosting colour psychology is all about creating the right atmosphere. With enough patience and dedication, you should be able to achieve a unique atmosphere that compliments your home and mood.


Just remember that mood boosting colour psychology isn’t a one size fits all solution. Everyone’s moods are affected differently by the colours they see, so it’s important to try out different shades to find out which ones work best for you. Take your time to explore various combinations until you find one that works with your décor and compliments your mood.


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Drift & Co